Hands on

So far, I still have no qualms or complaints about the inevitable ‘unsolicited’ belly rubs, pokes, pats, whispers, and in some little kid cases, jiggles and adventures in belly button hunting.

If these gestures were coming from strangers, I anticipate I’d take issue, but I guess I’ve only been surrounded by well-behaved, appropriate strangers as of late.

Pretty positive the proof of my openness was in the pudding yesterday. With boatloads of family gathered and in need of reasons to smile through this incredibly somber spring, I was more than willing to embrace the hands on baby love. Honestly, I was actively inviting everyone to join the kick-feeling fun and calling over anyone interested. It means a lot to me that this little one is already able to bring smiles and ooohs and aaahs to so many more than just Ryan and I, especially in times of such monumental sadness for our family.

So what some would consider strange, uncomfortable, intrusive, and incredibly inappropriate…

I find to be the best way to share joy, love, and hope with the people who mean the most to me, especially when they need the very specific reminders that life goes on, life is an unbelievable gift and life is all about sharing with the ones you love. We can all share our stories and memories, we’ve shared meals and drinks and fun times, laughs and lots of tears and little meaningful moments this spring… But I happen to have something different to share right now. And I think there’s no reason to keep these kicks amazing tiny messages of happiness to myself.

I love my family. My hubs, my cabbage baby, my mutt, my parents, my siblings… If that was all I had I’d be blessed beyond comprehension. But my masses of cousins and aunts and uncles and the amazing grandparents I’ve lost in the last two months are so special. There’s nothing that would keep me from sharing everything I’ve got to make the day even the slightest bit brighter for them. For all of us.

Mission hopefully accomplished.

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